2 - Responsive Web and layout

Responsive Web and layout

Lesson Resources


Homework Suggestion

Remember copy the Homework to the Trello at the end of the class

1) Complete Flexbox Froggy and CSS Grid Garden (6 hours)

Flexbox Froggy is a really fun way of learning how Flexbox works.

You should complete all the levels

Grid Garden is a really fun way of learning how Grid layout works.

You should complete all the levels

2) Flexbox Project (4 hours)

In this repository you will find a project for you to complete


Before you start, make sure you fork the repository to your Github account.

Push the changes yo your Github account

Practice Day (Saturday)

  • Finish the Karma-clone project to look as awesome as you can

  • Finish Apple clone workshop.

  • Push the changes to your repository in Github

Last updated